Stone Soup Tales: Recipes for Sharing Review

Stone Soup Tales: Recipes for Sharing
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Stone Soup Tales is a book filled with recipes for sharing and it has a unique appeal for anyone who loves fables. The book starts with the Swedish fable of Stone Soup retold by Michalle Shown. As "Rabbit" starts to make stone soup, he wishes for carrots and potatoes to add to his soup. Soon, the animals in the forest bring ingredients to make a delicious soup. The story is then followed by a recipe for Stone Soup which includes a stone.
This book was created by "The Children's Cabinet," a nonprofit organization that helps to bring diverse groups "to the table" to address issues facing children and their families. They have developed a number of programs over the years, including Family Counseling, Tutoring, Parenting Education and Adolescent Health Care.
The Chapters:
If You Make a Cookie - an interesting way at looking at baking.
Sharing The Kitchen: Recipes You Can Prepare Together: Green Eggs and Ham, Toad in the Hole (eggs and bread), Cookie Cutter Sandwiches, and Peanut Butter Pizza.
The Crow and The Pitcher of Water
Recipes Your Whole Family Will Love: Favorite Family Recipes
Zigzag Walk
Soups, Salads and Sides
Frog in a Milk-Pail ( a story about never giving up)
Entrees and Main Dishes
The Ant and the Dove
Desserts and Beverages
Each recipe is set out in a very organized fashion which makes this book perfect for young cooks. The title is in bold, followed by a short list of ingredients. Then, the list of instructions looks like this:
Tools........measuring cup, table knife, nonstick baking sheet, potholders, metal spatula, pizza cutter. adult to preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Spread......the peanut butter over the pizza crust.
Then, the words Arrange, Place, Bake, Transfer, Slice, Makes and Note follow. Each recipe in the first section is similar with just enough detail to make the recipes easy to follow. The Recipes in the Whole Family Section are written without the simpler steps for children, but are equally easy to follow.
Recipes of interest: Snowflake Sleds, No-Bake Cookies, Crispy rice Cereal Treats, Marshmallow Snowmen, Baked Spanish Rice, Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya, Seafood Cheddar Bisque, Oreo Cookie Cheesecake and Tiramisu.
The final "very original recipes" are humorous quotes "from the mouths of babes."
Stone Soup Tales is a unique cookbook, collectors will enjoy and parents will appreciate. The cover has a picture of a rabbit stirring soup and the edges are a beautiful carroty color. Perfect for gifts this Fall.
~The Rebecca Review

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