The Food and Cooking of Eastern Europe (At Table) Review

The Food and Cooking of Eastern Europe (At Table)
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I bought this book looking for a specific recipe that my Serbian grandmother used to make called "Civapcici", (ground meat with spices added, which must be grilled). Looking through the book I found a related recipe for "Mititei" from Romania which is identical... the only difference being that baking soda is added to the mixture.
I've seen recipes for civapcici before, but the spice mixture was not the same as what I was used to. The recipe Lesley Chamberlain listed was exactly what I was looking for.
There is a wealth of recipes from all over Eastern Europe in this book. Although not ever recipe my grandmother used to make is listed such as "Gibanica" (an hors d'oeuvre type of food made with a Serbian cream cheese baked in phyllo pastry), this book is very comprehensive. I gave this book a 4 only because I could not find one or two recipes that I thought should be listed. What recipes that are listed, are exactly as you would find them in Europe. If you ever traveled to Eastern Europe and you long to make some of the dishes you tasted while on your journey... this book is the one for you.

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The Food and Cooking of Eastern Europe, first published in 1989 and a companion volume to Lesley Chamberlain's acclaimed The Food and Cooking of Russia, surveys the rich and diverse food cultures that were known to few people in the West during the half century when Europe was divided. It contains more than two hundred recipes interwoven with historical background and notes from the author's extensive experiences traveling through Central and Eastern Europe. When originally published this practical cookbook revealed how the world's most delicious sausages, goulash and sauerkraut, fruit dumplings, cheesecake, and many other dishes tasted in their homelands. Now, in a quite different political world, this book is a vital resource for remembering life before the Iron Curtain was lifted.

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